Group Re-Identification: Leveraging and Integrating Multi-Grain Information

Published in ACM Multimedia, 2018

[Paper], [Slides], [Poster], [Dataset]


This paper addresses an important yet less-studied problem: re-identifying groups of people in different camera views. Group re-identification (Re-ID) is very challenging since it is not only interfered by view-point and human pose variations in the traditional single-object Re-ID tasks, but also suffers from group layout and group member variations. To handle these issues, we propose to leverage the information of multi-grain objects: individual person and subgroups of two and three people inside a group image. We compute multi-grain representations to characterize the appearance and spatial features of multi-grain objects and evaluate the importance weight of each object for group Re-ID, so as to handle the interferences from group dynamics. We compute the optimal group-wise matching by using a multi-order matching process based on the multi-grain representation and importance weights. Furthermore, we dynamically update the importance weights according to the current matching results and then compute a new optimal group-wise matching. The two steps are iteratively conducted, yielding the final matching results. Experimental results on various datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.


This figure illustrates the overview of our proposed approach. Given the probe group image captured from one camera, our goal is to find the matched group images from a set of gallery group images captured from another camera. We represent each group image by a set of multi-grain objects, and extract the features for the multi-grain objects. The matching process is an iterative process. We compute the static and dynamic importance weights of multi-grain objects for the probe and gallery images according to the intermediate matching results. Then, we use a multi-order matching algorithm to compute intermediate matching results, which are used to update the dynamic importance weights. We perform the two stages iteratively, and obtain the final matching results.

Multi-grain Representation and Importance Weighting

Figure 1: (a) Illustration of matched-people sets and their distributions in the feature space (The color solid arrows indicate the one-to-one mapping results between individuals. People circled by the same color rectangles in camera B are matched to the same person in A, and belong to the same matched people set). (b) The derived importance weights for multi-grain objects (individuals, 2-people subgroup s, 3-people subgroups) in two group images. Note: the importance weights for some 2-people/3-people subgroups are not displayed in order for a cleaner illustration. (Best viewed in color)

Multi-order Matching

Figure 2: Illustration of multi-order association graph. Left: A cross-view group pair being matched; Right: The multi-order association graph constructed for the group pair.


We perform experiments on three datasets: (1) the public i-LID MCTS dataset which contains 274 group images for 64 groups; (2) our own constructed DukeMTMC Group dataset which includes 177 group image pairs extracted from a 8-camera-view DukeMTMC dataset; (3) our own constructed Road Group dataset which includes 162 group pairs taken from a two-camera crowd road scene. When constructing our own datasets, we automatically detect groups, and randomly select groups with different sizes & variations as the target groups in our dataset. Moreover, we define two cross-view groups as the same group when they have more than 60% members in common.

Figure 3: CMC results of Group Re-ID on different datasets. We compares our approach with the state-of-the-art group re-identification methods on different datasets: CRRRO-BRO, Covariance, PREF, BSC+CM. To further demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, we also include the results of two state-of-the-art methods designed for single person Re-ID, which utilize patch saliency or a KMFA(Rχ2) distance metric to calculate image-wise similarity (Saliency and Mirror+KMFA). From this table, we can observe that our approach has better results than the existing group Re-ID methods. This demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach.


Road Group

Our newly constructed Road Group dataset [1] consists of 162 group pairs taken from a 2-camera-view of a crowded road scene. The bounding box coordinates of totally 1099 pedestrians are also provided. This dataset is challenging due to its large variation of group layout and human pose.


For each of our constructed dataset, we provide 3 different kinds of annotations, the group id annotations, the single pedestrian correspondance annotations and single pedestrian bounding box annotations.

The group id annotations is a json file with the following format. The field “id” is the group id number, “image name” denotes the names of images containing this group.

		"id"           : int, 
		"image names"  : [str, str]

The single pedestrian bounding box annotations is a json file with the following format. The field “image name” denotes the name of group image. The “pedestrian” field is a list of person annotation type, which includes two sub-fields. The “person id” field is the index of the person within this group and the “bbox” field is the bounding box corrdinate of the person.

		"image name"   : str, 
		"pedestrian"   : [person, person, ....],

		"person id"    : int, 
		"bbox"         : [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]

The single pedestrian correspondance annotations indicate the individual correspondance between two matched groups. It is a json file with the following format. The field “group pair” is the list containing names of two images, and the “person pairs” field denotes the correspondance relationship between people in the two images, which is a list of person_pair annotation type. The person_pair annotation type includes two fields, “person1 id” and “person2 id”, which denote the person ids in the first and second group in the group pair.

		"group pair"   : [str, str], 
		"person pairs" : [person_pair, person_pair, ...]

		"person1 id"   : int, 
		"person2 id"   : int,

The image collections and annotations used in this paper can be downloaded here.


Please cite these two papers in your publications if it helps your research:

  title={Group Re-Identification: Leveraging and Integrating Multi-Grain Information},
  author={Xiao, Hao and Lin, Weiyao and Sheng, Bin and Lu, Ke and Yan, Junchi and Wang, Jingdong and Ding, Errui and Zhang, Yihao and Xiong, Hongkai},
  booktitle={2018 ACM Multimedia Conference on Multimedia Conference},

    title={Group Re-Identification with Multi-grained Matching and Integration},
    author={Lin, Weiyao and Li, Yuxi and Xiao, Hao and John, See and Zou, Junni and Xiong, Hongkai and Wang, Jingdong and Mei Tao},
    journal={IEEE Transaction on Cybernetics},